Free CNA Inservices – How to Get Free CNA Inservices

June 13th, 2011

Every health care professional working as a CNA at certain point of career development realizes that CNA training is never completely done once CNA certification is received. If a certified professional works as a Certified Nurse Aide, there will be need more continuing education credits to be completed and CNA related inservices to be attended. Sometimes it is not only personal, professional choice to gain additional CNA knowledge and training, but additional training is also required in order to keep CNA certification active or when Certified Nurse Assistant needs CNA certification renewal.

What is CNA inservice – CNA inservice is a training class with duration of one day or more that helps Certified Nurse Assistants to gain the continuing education credits necessary to retain CNA license. CNA inservices are offered at local community colleges, through the local Red Cross CNA Training programs or even at the health care facilities where the Certified Nurse Assistants work. There are also some CNA inservices and course requirements available online.

There are CNA inservices for certified professionals that are free while others will carry a fee. Online CNA inservices are sometimes perfect way to receive additional CNA training at no cost. For the certified health care professionals who practice as a CNA, some necessary credits might be free. All the online CNA Training classes and programs involve less expenses for the training institutions and organizations, so often online CNA training is offered at reduced cost and there are even some training institutions offering CNA Training for free so it is strongly advisable for every CNA to search for free online CNA continuing education credits.

Sometimes some inservices might not be specific to Certified Nursing Assistants, and CNAs can joining other health care workers for a required inservice. When current employer is requiring an CNA inservice program, most of the times it is free. This is especially true if it is a program that is for everyone working at the facility. In some facilities Certified Nursing Assistants are even able to complete the inservice during a regular workday, thus actually receiving pay for the training period.

It is extremely important for every CNA to know that when a CNA needs to take an inservice that does have a fee, the certified professional working as a CNA might still be able to receive it at no cost.
Many institutions such as hospitals, assisted living facilities, adult day health centers and nursing homes facilities will pay a portion or even all of the costs associated with additional CNA Training as long as the Certified Nurse Assistant will continue to work for that employer and provide good services. It is highly advisable a CNA to conduct a conversation with the current employer when in a position to be not able to afford the fees associated with additional CNA training. Also when additional CNA Training is needed as a result of a change in requirements by the current employer often the facility takes responsibility for the fees associated with the additional training and only commitment for the the continuation of employment with their company is needed. If a CNA is ready to sign such commitment the facility is often ready to pay all the costs involved in the training.

Great option to find help to pay for a CNA inservice is get in contact with job placement agencies and unemployment agencies. This institutions have a variety of programs and resources available to help certified professionals stay employed. This option is something to look into especially if the Certified Nurse Assistant received help through these resources for the original CNA certification.

Is the training obtained during Online CNA Training Classes sufficient?

December 19th, 2010

Everyone who has decided to complete a CNA Training program and become a nurse aide, has the opportunity to choose between a school based CNA training course or online CNA training programs, which have grown in popularity in recent years. Although after completion of either of the two forms of training, the prospective nurse aides have to pass one and the same state CNA certification exam and has to have identical medical training and skills, the choice between the two forms of training is an important one and should be carefully considered.

Online CNA Training Programs can be easily found online. The fees of the online CNA Training programs are lower compared to the ones of the school and college based CNA training programs. Online CNA Training Programs are much more convenient for the prospective CNAs who have to combine the training program schedule with their work schedule. The online based CNA training programs save a lot of time since there is no need for traveling to the training center and their greatest benefit is that the CNA Training classes can be attend at convenient for the prospective CNA time and additional questions can be asked in the training program’s chat rooms.

Great benefit of the online CNA Training programs is the fact that the training classes are taught in the peace of home, which for many prospective Certified Nursing Assistants helps them focusing easier and mastering the training material. But despite all the mentioned benefits of online CNA training, question occurs if online training programs provide sufficient training to pass the state CNA certification exam and perform their daily duties as a CNA. In fact the topics covered by the online CNA training programs are the same that are taught in the college base CNA training programs.

Despite all the positive aspects of the online CNA Training course, there is a significant difference between the two forms of training, and that is the opportunity for the prospective Certified Nurse Assistants to get practical skills under the direct supervision of a certified training leader (RN – Registered Nurse). During the hands on CNA training classes many questions appear for the prospective nurse aides and also many mistakes are made performing the various manipulations and for the online CNA Training programs there is no certified trainer to stress on them and help the prospective CNAs eliminate them.

Certified Nurse Assistants have a lot of responsibilities, and because their patients depend directly on the level of their professionalism, it is important that prospective nurse aides to have all the training, knowledge and skills needed to perform their duties not only for their state certification exam, but also for the start of their CNA career. Researches show that those perspective nurse aides, who have decided to attend school based CNA Training program and have had the opportunity to personally work out with the help of certified training leader all the problematic aspects of their training, are much more confident in their skills on the CNA certification exam, compared to their colleagues who have chosen to attend online CNA training programs .

Another advantage of school training classes and programs is the fact, that prospective Certified Nurse Assistants develop qualities and skills to work in team (while helping each other in the performance of various training exercises). This type of interaction also helps prospective CNAs overcome the stres and prepare them to show their best during the CNA certification exam and after successful certification in their work, when critical, patient related, situations occur. Despite the great benefits of school based CNA training course, there is no reason to be claimed that online CNA training programs do not provide sufficient training and qualification for professional career. Everything depends on personal motivation.

Statistics show that online CNA training programs are preferred by prospective Certified Nurse Assistants who are considering a career change and have to combine their present career with CNA training classes and also by prospective professionals who are not able to afford to attend school/college based CNA Training program because of the higher tuition fees. Overall, school/college based CNA training programs are preferred by prospective nurse aides because of the hands-on experience they get and the interaction with prospective colleagues and certified trainers.

CNA to LPN Training

November 21st, 2010

In recent years all the healthcare related jobs are becoming more and more preferred by young professionals starting their career after high school graduation. There is high demand for all kind of healthcare professionals due to the increased percentage of US citizens with serious health problems and the aging baby boomer population of the USA. Because of that great demand, healthcare jobs are well paid and that fact combined with the moral reward that healthcare professionals get, lead to a great number of professionals starting their education or just training in different healthcare related fields. Becoming a nurse is one of the possible health care related career paths.

Most of the prospective nurses choose to start their career by completing a CNA training classes, because this type of training usually takes only a few weeks and the duties of certified CNAs involve less responsibilities. Typically a CNA training program can last up to 6 months depending on the intensity of the training and the institution where the CNA training is conducted. During the CNA training programs prospective CNAs obtain knowledge and skills how to properly take care of their patients. Such skills, the prospective nurses get during the training process are checking vital health signs, cleaning the bodily fluids of patients caused by their disease and helping patients with their personal needs like bed making, dressing, feeding and taking bath.

After successful CNA training completion and CNA certification the prospective healthcare professional can practice and perform all the duties of a Certified Nurse Assistant. After gaining hands-on experience and confidence, some of the CNAs are interested how to become LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) as this is the next, middle, step to become RN (Registered Nurse). Both CNAs and LPNs work under the supervision of RNs and doctors in charge, but LPNs have much more responsibilities of medical nature and because of that they earn higher hourly wages and because of their valuable qualifications and the training they got, they are even in higher demand compared to CNAs.

Certified Nurse Aides can enroll and attend LPN training programs without interrupting their work, because the LPN training courses have a flexible schedule and all the training activities are planned with the work schedule and free time of the students in mind. There are CNA to LPN training programs available on the Internet, however hands-on training experience is required and personal presence on some of the training parts, so this CNA to LPN training courses can not be defined as online training.

When choosing such a training program, it is advisable the prospective LPNs to get information when and where the practical part of the training takes place in order to be able to plan in advance their work schedule. In most of the cases training practice in local hospitals is arranged depending on the training institution.

During a CNA to LPN training, Certified Nurse Aides gain additional medical knowledge and skills such as maintaining self-control in critical situations, reading charts, monitoring the intake of certain medications, preparing and placing injections under the supervision of an RN, testing blood glucose with insulin of patients with diabetes, change surgical bandages, treat bedsores, sterilization of instruments, proper storage of medicines.

The CNA to LPN training most often lasts between 18 and 24 months, and the requirements for CNA to LPN retraining are different in every state of the USA. In some US states completed CNA training and at least 5 years of experience in different healthcare institutions are required in order to complete LPN training program and become a Licensed Practical Nurse.

It is highly advisable for every healthcare professional who plans to go through CNA to LPT training program to check in advance what are the requirements for the retraining program in the particular US state of residence. After successful completion of the training program, the prospective LPN must held state certification exam in order to get license to work as an LPN. It is extremely important for the prospective LPN to know that only healthcare professionals who have attended training course in accredited training institutions and colleges can attend the state certification exam, and an accreditation check must be performed when choosing and before starting a LPN training program.

There are a lot of options for CNAs, who want to complete a training course in order to become an LPN. They can apply for various training programs offered by hospitals and nursing homes that pay for the training in order to have professionally trained helthcare professionals who can meet the high demands of the LPN profession. The policy of many of the healthcare institutions is to promote CNAs to develop a career and attend training classes for LPN, because they need skilled an perfectly trained personnel.

LPN training graduates may continue to grow in their career, starting a re-training course LPN to RN (Registered Nurse).

CNA Salary by State

October 31st, 2010


The aging baby boomer population of the USA and the increased percentage of US citizens with serious health problems led to an extremely high demand for medical professionals in general and Certified Nursing Assistants who have successfully completed CNA training and have gained CNA certification, in particular. The increased demand for qualified CNA professionals who have passed proper CNA training is one of the main reasons why all the CNA job openings come with increased salary levels and a lot of benefits for the health care professionals who have completed CNA training program and practice as CNA than ever before. This fact along with the higher unemployment rate attracts more and more prospective Certified Nurse Aides to start their career in the health care filed by completing free or paid CNA training programs. The range of a typical CNA salary is extremely broad and depends on a lot of factors, but in general it is in the range between $17,000 – $30,000 per year, Certified Nursing Assistants with numerous years of faultless CNA experience usually get salary as high as $36,000 per year. The typical CNA hourly wage is between the range of $8 and $14 per working hour.

According to the publicly available CNA salary statistics analyzed by US state, the CNA salaries in the biggest cities of the USA are significantly higher compared to the salary levels in the smaller towns of the USA.

As it is with the salaries in many other career fields, the CNA salary levels are based on the following criterias:

1. Education – the levels of a CNA salary differ based on the training and the quality of CNA education, a Certified Nurse Aide has. If a Certified Nurse Aide has just completed CNA training program and has successfully been certified, base level CNA salary can be expected (salary level exceptions are always possible depending on numerous reasons). If a CNA professional has completed additional health care trainings and has attended training classes provided by health care institution, obtaining qualifications and certifications allowing to perform strictly regulated professional duties, higher CNA salary can be expected and negotiated with the prospective employer. Depending of the health care facility some personal qualities of a Certified Nurse Assistant can be of importance for the CNA salary expected.
2. Experience – This is one of the most important factors that form the levels of a CNA salary. The more years of experience a Certified Nurse Aide has the higher are the levels of the CNA salary received and the opportunities to find a rewarding CNA job. If a Certified Nursing Assistant has a previous experience in the filed and has practice as a CNA for a few years an hourly wage of $14 can be expected. In case a CNA has just completed a CNA training class, base CNA salary in the range $8 – $10 is the most common CNA hourly wage.
3. Location – As it was already mentioned the CNA salary levels are much higher in the big cities of the USA compared to the CNA salary levels in the small US towns. For every prospective Certified Nurse Aide it is very important to check the average CNA salary levels for the particular place of residence and depending on the CNA training and certification obtained to try and find the best CNA job openings available.
4. Place of recruitment – The levels of the CNA salary also depend on the fact whether a Certified Nurse Aide is recruited to work in a hospital, day care facility, nursing home or other type of health care institution. Along with the CNA salary, depending on the place of recruitment different types of benefits can be expected, such as free professional training that provide additional qualifications or bonus payments based on the work environment. The type of the duties involved are also based on the place of recruitment of a Certified Nurse Aide and directly reflect on the length of the shifts thus the CNA salary levels.

* It is important to be mentioned that due to the great demand for CNA professionals in some regions of the USA, higher number of prospective Certified Nurse Aides complete CNA training and after that pass the CNA certification test, and this fact leads to a lot of candidates looking to be recruited and respectively due to the higher number of Certified Nursing Assistants looking for a CNA job, decreased CNA salary levels are monitored.

In the web site every prospective Certified Nurse Aide can check information about the levels of the CNA salaries in the different states of the USA, based on different criteria.

CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) Average Salary

August 21st, 2010

Average CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) salary varies from US state to US state, and depends on the duties the Certified Nurse Aide has and the institution in which the Certified Nursing Assistant works. Although there are some differences based on the mentioned facts there are nationwide standards for the CNA job description. Certified Nurse Aide after successful completion of CNA Training provides a basic nursing service under the supervision of an Registered Nurse (RN) or an Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). The Certified Nurse Assistant  does not have the responsibilities and legal powers of a RN or an LPN, so that is why supervision is needed. The CNA job requires that the Certified Nursing Assistant care for patients or clients and report to the RN or LPN on the patient’s current health condition.

The Certified Nursing Assistant  career is often considered as an entry-level point for a long-term career in the health care field. However, many Certified Nursing Assistants that have successfully completed CNA Training in the USA and after that have passed the CNA Certification test, prefer to work at this position for many years, as the CNA career is morally and financially rewarding, and that combined with the fact that relatively little training is required to start a career in the health care filed, makes the CNA job a preferred career choice.

Certified Nursing Assistant duties include patients observation, monitoring of patient’s vital signs, help with meals and feeding when necessary, caring for the patient’s hygiene when required, mobilizing the patients to tests or therapy and catering to other patients needs.

The job description and salary of the Certified Nursing Assistant is often defined by the difference in health care facilities where they work. For instance, in the hospital environment, the Certified Nurse Aassistants’s interaction with patients often are limited to the time spent by the patient in the hospital. On the other hand long-term care facilities, provide an environment where Certified Nursing Assistants can become well acquainted with the patients and their life stories and connect with them on more emotional level. Everyone interested to learn more about how long-term facilities are rated by the government can do so at Both the the Federal Nursing Home Star Rating System and State Adult Care Home Star Rating System provide a up-to-date information about the facilities, and were designed to provide both consumers and health workers with information to make informed decisions.

After CNA Training and successful CNA certification and start of CNA career, the only option for higher salary is to stay on the job for more than 4 years and take advantage of experience and cost-of-living pay raises. Further education/ training  allows the Certified Nurse Assistant to advance a career into nursing as an RN or as an LPN and start to earn even higher salary.

A typical CNA’s work shift usually lasts about 7.5 hours with a one-hour break. In order to earn additional income, many Certified Nursing Assistants work double shifts. Some Certified Nurse Assistants start a second job and work six up to seven days per week. Since no previous health care experience is required to become a Certified Nurse Aide and only not extremely lengthy CNA training is required, this job usually pays between $8.50 to $12.00 per work hour for the first 4 years. A Nurse Aide who stays in this career for twenty months or more currently makes about $12.00 to $15.00 per hour. The mentioned hourly rates may vary depending on the type of facility and the state where the Certified Nursing Assistant resides. If the Nurse Aide has additional training and CNA certification, the Certified Nursing Assistant can earn higher salary because of that qualification and training.

CNA Certification

July 11th, 2010

Certified Nursing Assistants work under the supervision of a licensed nurses to provide daily basic care for patients. Certified Nursing Assistants provide both physical and emotional support for patients at homes, in hospitals, assisted living facilities, adult day health centers and nursing homes. CNAs aim to provide personalized assistance to patients who are unable to care for themselves and help them regain and maintain daily functions. CNA career may be difficult at times, but it is extremely noble and morally rewarding, as Certified Nursing Assistants play an important role in helping patients have a better quality of life.

In order to be certified and to be placed on the Nurse Aide Register of the state in which the prospective Nurse Aide resides, the prospective Certified Nurse Assistant needs to take a CNA training program through a local community college or hospital and prepare for the state CNA certification exam. The certification CNA training programs vary in length, depending on the number of training classes per week, but they generally last from 2 to 6 months. Most CNA training programs require prospective Certified Nursing Assistants to have a high school diploma or GED. The CNA training and certification programs cover everything the prospective Nurse Aide needs to know in order to pass successfully  the CNA Certification test.

The CNA certification training courses include both hands-on experience at medical facilities such as hospitals, assisted living facilities, adult day health centers or nursing homes, and basic biology and health coursework with an emphasis on areas such as CPR, infection control, safety regulations and patient care. Because federal law requires Certified Nursing Assistants to demonstrate competency in 21 skills (tested in the state CNA certification exam), CNA training coursework focuses on preparing the prospective Nurse Aide in these competencies. The CNA training classes include recording of vital health signs, personal hygiene, basic nutrition and communication among others.

Successfully certified, a CNA may find nursing assistant positions in hospitals, hospices, assisted living facilities, physician offices, private homes, clinics, adult day health centers and nursing homes. With America’s baby boomers reaching retirement age, the demand for healthcare increases more and more each year. Employment prospects for CNAs are fantastic – in fact, home health aide is expected to be the fastest-growing occupation in the medical field through 2015. In just a few months of CNA training a prospective CNA could be ready to join this booming field, so this makes the CNA training and career extremely attractive.

Ten reasons to complete a CNA Training and become a CNA

June 13th, 2010

CNA training provides great career opportunities in a morally and financially rewarding field.

Trying to outline few of the benefits of a CNA career we have pointed 10 good reasons to consider a CNA training and CNA career:

  1. Noble and morally rewarding career – CNA career is perfect job decision for everyone wanting to have a meaningful life and career dedicated to helping others. Providing help to people in health condition that sometimes has put away even their closest relatives is extremely noble and morally rewarding. The CNA professionals often have more direct involvement in patient care than almost any other medical professionals and this involvement requires a lot of personal qualities different from the professional nursing assistant knowledge and training. A compassionate heart is a must have for every Certified Nurse Aide and the rewards for the certified professionals go far beyond what shows up on the weekly paycheck.
  2. Growing demand – CNA career is one of the few fields where job opportunities and potential has exponential growth compared to the many industries where the job market is shrinking. CNA job potential is continuously expanding, thanks to aging baby boomers. These boomers account for about 30% of the population in the USA today. As they age they are creating a greater need for health Certified Nursing Assistants that have the skills and training needed to care for them and taking care of their medical condition. Completing CNA Training provides incredible stability and job security.
  3. Free education – Hospitals, nursing centers, retirement homes and long-term care facilities in many cities across the USA offer free CNA Training in exchange for a specified length of service on the CNA job. Because of the high demand the education costs become higher, and for many prospective CNA professionals the availability of  free CNA training providing all the skills and knowledge required to become a CNA and pass the CNA certification test free of charge is a great opportunity to be trained and become a CNA. Free CNA training for many professionals is the only option to start morally rewarding CNA career and improve their financial situation.
  4. Fast training – On average CNA training lasts from 6 to 12 weeks. This relatively short training period allows prospective certified nursing assistants to start CNA career and improve their income sooner than many other training programs of study. In order to get CNA training it is also possible the prospective CNA to take community college or junior college CNA training classes that will last an entire semester of training to become a CNA. It isn’t necessary though unless that is the environment in which the prospective Nurse Aide learns best. Many facilities offer much shorter and more intensive CNA training courses that allow students to take their CNA Certification tests and get to CNA work at a much faster pace.
  5. Improved income – Certified Nursing Assistants get salary that averages between $20,000 and $30,000 a year. For the amount of training and education required for these CNA positions it is an excellent launching point compared to almost any career. Certified Nurse Assistant professionals doesn’t get nurse right out the door as a CNA, but the possibilities and income potential far outweigh the possibilities of countless list of many other career opportunities that most people without a four-year degree or some sort of highly specialized training are able to get.
  6. Opportunities for advancement – Many medical facilities will offer tuition assistance and practical experience for advanced studies and training in nursing or other medical fields. C.N.A. position is the perfect entry level position CNA professional to get foot in the door for more advanced medical training and a much greater income potential in the health care field.
  7. PortabilityWhile moving from US state to US state may require professionals in other fields to update their certification, CNA professionals have a job that is in high demand in almost every state of the USA. One of the great benefits of a CNA career is the fact that no matter where a certified professional needs to move, the Certified Nursing Assistant will have training and experience that is competitive in a field that is in high demand. Almost every city in the USA has a need for qualified and highly trained  CNA professionals. Completing CNA training and successfully becoming a CNA grants every health care professional a career that doesn’t depend on the location where the certified professional lives.
  8. Provides preview of nursing experience – Working as a CNA provides students interested in a career in nursing the opportunity to decide if this is a good career choice for them, before investing years of expensive medical study at a medical college or university. For sure the nursing field is not for everyone – while there are many moral and financial rewards there are also many challenges. It takes a specific type of strong personality to be a nurse or a CNA. There’s no better way to understand how tough and challenging (apart from rewarding) the nursing/ CNA job can be, than to work shoulder to shoulder with other nurses. The CNA Training and afterwards a CNA career is the perfect way for deciding exactly that.
  9. OptionsCertified Nursing Assistants have a wide range of choices for work environments. Home health career is one of the options for every CNA as well as career in many different types of medical facilities. In addition to the many options in terms of location, CNAs are needed to help care for patients 24 hours a day. There is a wide range of extremely flexible options for days and hours to work in the CNA field and this flexibility adds to the benefits of a CNA career a lot.
  10. Benefits – In addition to a slightly higher income potential, certified nursing assistants also receive benefits with many of the companies that hire CNAs. These benefits may include medical, dental, and retirement assistance. There are also other benefits that might not be as immediately recognizable such as training tuition assistance or reimbursement for Certified Nursing Assistants taking training classes to become LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses) or RNs (Registered Nurses), that many facilities offer.
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CNA Training Classes Online

June 12th, 2010

Being a certified nursing assistant (CNA) could be the career choice for everyone dreaming to work in a field that helps others. Along with the moral aspect of being a CNA, other positive side of a CNA career is the fact that a CNA job provides secure employment for the certified nursing assistants.

Finding a new job without proper training can be a very difficult task. Because of it’s nature, nursing is one field that requires great level of professionalism and proper training is obligatory. The reward for every professional that has gone trough a CNA training and after that CNA certification is a career in a secure filed. Certified nursing assistants are in high demand nationwide and this fact makes CNA training and CNA career extremely attractive for every prospective health care professional.

In the health care field there are many different careers and each of them requires a different type of training and different amount of training hours are involved in each training, depending on the level of care expected from the professional.

For those professionals who would like to begin a great career in a relatively short length of time, becoming a certified nursing assistant would be a great choice. For every professional who has a career goal of becoming a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) or Registered Nurse (RN) in the future, working as a Certified Nurse Aide can be a great stepping stone. Many Registered Nurses began working in the nursing field as certified nursing assistants. Surprisingly many registered nurses have completed their CNA Training through online CNA training programs and classes.

Online CNA training classes are offered by many accredited colleges/universities throughout the United States. The online CNA training courses are run like regular college/university classes. The institutions that offer an online CNA training programs, usually allow prospective CNAs to tailor their training schedule to fit their specific needs. An Online CNA training classes can be supplementary to the training classes a prospective CNA attend at a local institution, or can be the primary means by which a prospective certified professional learn the skills needed. There are different types of available online CNA training classes. Some of the CNA training classes only require the student research and submit papers or complete available exams. Others offer one-on-one time with a CNA training instructor either through a webcam or through live chat.

There are many online websites that are devoted to help those wishing to get an online degree in any practice field and these websites are a good place for every prospective CNA to start online search. As a Certified Nurse Assistant, there are many sub-fields prospective CNA professional can specialize in. Websites such as these can help tailor training class schedules to fit individual needs for all the different specializations.

It is important to keep in mind that the state of residence will require from a prospective CNA to pass a state board exam in order to receive CNA certifification so it is advisable for a prospective CNA to check for all the requirements of the particular US state of interest, before participating in an online CNA training class.

It is also informative to know that some schools and institutions that offer CNA training classes online require students to physically attend some of the training classes. This is most common with labs that teach hands-on techniques and procedures. Also in some cases, there are a set number of hours that a student must spend in live participation before they can receive their CNA certification so a prospective CNA must keep this in mind when scheduling CNA training.

Red Cross Chapters Offering CNA Training

June 12th, 2010

All the CNA Training programs offered by the American Red Cross are perfect choice for prospective nursing assistants interested in a career in the health care field. Red Cross CNA training programs provide complete information and skills required to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA). The American Red Cross CNA training programs follow a nationally-recognized Certified Nursing Assistant curriculum. State requirements for CNA certification differ from state to state, and Red Cross CNA training is designed to meet the requirements of the state in which the Red Cross chapter is located.

American Red Cross CNA training is available in 36 cities across USA.

A complete list of American Red Cross chapters that currently offer CNA training programs can be downloaded as PDF file here:

Red Cross CNA Training – Red Cross Chapters Offering CNA Training

Red Cross CNA Training

June 12th, 2010

The Red Cross is a logical place to get CNA training, because of its strong tradition of nursing. The organization has provided CNA training for more than two decades and has been involved in nursing for more than 100 years.

American Red Cross CNA training is available in 36 cities across USA. Red Cross CNA training provides all the information and skills needed to become a certified nursing assistant. The Red Cross CNA training course follows a nationally-recognized Certified Nursing Assistant curriculum. State requirements for CNA certification differ from state to state, and training is designed to meet the requirements of the state in which the Red Cross chapter is located. Course hours are defined according to the state requirements and as such clinical requirements may be longer or shorter in a particular US state.

Successful CNA training course completion requires full participation in classroom training and skill sessions, as well as successful performance in skill and knowledge CNA certification exam. Prospective Certified Nursing Assistants must be advised that due to the nature of the skills in this training program, participation in strenuous activities is required. If a prospective Certified Nursing Assistant have a medical condition or disability that may prevent him from taking part in a skill session, or if there are any questions about CNA’s ability to participate fully in this training course, prospective nursing assistant must discuss them with the personal health-care provider and the appropriate person at the Red Cross chapter before starting the Red Cross CNA Training course.

The CNA exam consists of two parts – Skills Test and Written Test. The entire CNA exam can be completed in one day and takes approximately 5 and a half hours. The prospective CNA must successfully pass the Skills Test before taking the Written Test. The applicant is notified of the test results on the same day. Upon successful passing of the CNA exam the applicant will receive the State Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) certification shortly thereafter.

Some of the minimum requirements for all Red Cross CNA training class participants are:

  • Prospective CNA must be 18 years of age or older
  • Prospective CNA cannot have any felony convictions within the last 7 years
  • Prospective CNA must be communicable diseases free
  • If woman, prospective CNA cannot be pregnant
  • In the event that the prospective CNA TB screening and/or background check does not clear, payment refund will be issued, less the screening fee. Once the prospective Certified Nurse Assistant has registered for the CNA Training course, the screening fee is non-refundable

The Red Cross CNA training class is ideal for everyone interested in a career in health care. Many registered nurses entered the health care field as Certified Nurse Assistants.